1 de noviembre de 2011


La Fundación Príncipe de Asturias convoca desde 1981 los Premios Príncipe de Asturias que, anualmente, son entregados por Su Alteza Real el Príncipe de Asturias, Presidente de Honor de esta institución, en un solemne acto académico que se celebra en Oviedo, capital del Principado de Asturias. Son objetivos primordiales de la Fundación consolidar los vínculos existentes entre el Principado y el Príncipe de Asturias y contribuir a la exaltación y promoción de cuantos valores científicos, culturales y humanísticos son patrimonio universal.
Son varías las categorías por las que se puede recibir este premio (artes, deportes, ciencias sociales, concordia...) pero vamos a centrarnos en una, Premio Principe de Asturias de las Letras:

Será concedido a la persona o grupo de personas cuya labor de creación literaria represente una contribución relevante a la literatura universal.

El galardonado este año ha sido Leonard Cohen. Considerado uno de los autores más influyentes de nuestro tiempo, sus poemas y canciones han explorado con profundidad y belleza las grandes cuestiones del ser humano.

Leonard Cohen
 Es bastante curioso que el galardonado en este premio sea un cantante lo que me hace pensar que las letras de sus canciones no deben ser iguales a los de los demas cantautores. Os dejare acontinuación la letra de una de sus canciones.
Everybody Knows

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
everybody knows that the war is over
everybody knows the good guys lost
everybody knows the fight was fixed
the poor stay poor, the rich get rich
that's how it goes
everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
everybody knows that the captain lied
everybody got this broken feeling
like their father or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
everybody wants a box of chocolates
and a long stem rose
everybody knows
Everybody knows that you love me baby
everybody knows that you really do
everybody knows that you've been faithful
ah give or take a night or two
everybody knows you've been discreet
but there were so many people you just had to meet
without your clothes
and everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
that's how it goes
everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
that's how it goes
everybody knows
And everybody knows that it's now or never
everybody knows that it's me or you
and everybody knows that you live forever
ah when you've done a line or two
everybody knows the deal is rotten
old black joe's still pickin' cotton
for your ribbons and bows
and everybody knows
And everybody knows that the plague is coming
everybody knows that it's moving fast
everybody knows that the naked man and woman
are just a shining artifact of the past
everybody knows the scene is dead
but there's gonna be a meter on your bed
that will disclose
what everybody knows
And everybody knows that you're in trouble
everybody knows what you've been through
from the bloody cross on top of calvary
to the beach of malibu
everybody knows it's coming apart
take one last look at this sacred heart
before it blows
and everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
that's how it goes
everybody knows
Oh everybody knows, everybody knows
that's how it goes
everybody knows
Everybody knows

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